The following change log describe all changes implemented on the PSD2 API from January 2021 and onwards.
The changes are grouped in 3 categories: Minor changes, New Functions and Breaking change.
Minor changes
Is used for publishing minor bug fixes or descriptions that would not affect functionality directly.
New Functions
This category is used for implementing new functionality in existing or new versions of the API.
Breaking change
This category is only used if the change will impact existing versions of the deployed API.
Deploying a separate new version of e.g., the PIS API will not be seen as a breaking change.
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Date | Change Category | Subject | Description |
17.04.2025 | Breaking change | PIS instant-domestic-credit-transfers change | On 17.04.2025 there is going to be a breaking change in instant-domestic-credit-transfers due to TIPS. That's why BEC releases a new PIS service version three months prior to the breaking change. TPPs can test these changes in sandbox first and then switch the version in production. The new API documentation is located here: See version 3.0.0. The new PIS version is available under: https://psd2api<bank number>, sandbox url: https://psd2testapi<bank number> The old version (2.0) will be removed on 17.04.2025. Changes in instant-domestic-credit-transfers: • creditorName is required • remittanceInformationStructured.longDescription allows 140 characters only • remittanceInformationStructured.creditorPostingEntryDescription is no longer supported • purposeCode is now supported. If you don't provide any, then CASH will be used by default. Supported values are: CASH, DEBT, RENT, IVPT, SUBS, INSM, PENS, SALA, TAXR, BECH. |
10.11.2024 | Breaking change | Totalbanken migration out of BEC | Gateway for bank 093 Totalbanken will be removed on the 10.11.2024 at 20:00 |
20.02.2024 | Minor Change | Extended transaction details | Extended transaction details are now returned in the /transactions/{transactionId} response for all transaction types. |
10.11.2023 | Braking change | Handelsbanken is merging into Jyske Bank | As of 10.11.2023 Handelsbanken is merging into Jyske Bank. Please reach out to Jyske Bank to sign up for their PSD2 API. Customers are automatically moved to Jyske Bank. Consents on the existing platform will expire and the PSU will need to give consent to AIS on the Jyske Bank platform. |
20.12.2022 | New Functions | Possibility to bypass the language selection screen in the MitID authentication flows | To avoid language selection screen in the authentication flows, it is now possible to provide the language as part of the query string parameter. Please refer to the MitID documentation linked on the payment flow page or consent flow page for more implementation specifications. |
02.12.2022 | New Functions | GrønlandsBANKEN onboarded to the PSD2 API solution | As of 02.12.2022 GrønlandsBANKEN has onboarded to the PSD2 API solution. Please refer to the provider banks list to see the production and sandbox url of GrønlandsBANKEN. |
10.10.2022 | Minor changes | NemID will be phased out as authentication solution 31. October 2022 | NemID will be phased out as authentication solution 31. October 2022. This is relevant for both PSD2 API and for all self-service portals of the banks. MitID will take over as the new national strong customer authentication solution and MitID is already implemented and used by the PSUs today in the PSD2 API. |
30.09.2022 | Minor changes | Optimized app-switch flow for handling PSU authentications with MitID | The flow for handling PSU authentications with MitID has been further optimized to decrease the number of interactions the PSU has to perform to do payment authentications when using the app-switch authentication. For more information please refer to the Payment Flow documentation related to MitID. |
05.07.2022 | Minor changes | Mix upgrade | MIX upgrade for PSD2 PIS, AIS, CIS, FCS. |
05.05.2022 | Minor changes | Exemption from fall back approved | Exemption from fall back was approved for SEB by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority on 05.05.2022. |
05.05.2022 | Minor changes | Exemption from fall back approved | Exemption from fall back was approved for Handelsbanken by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority on 05.05.2022. |
06.04.2022 | New Functions | International Transfers Details | The Account Information Services, /accounts/{resourceId}/transactions/{transactionId} endpoint has been extended about additional information for international transfers.
14.03.2022 | Breaking change | Deprecation of PIS version 1 | As of 15.06.2022 Payment Initiation Services (PIS) version 1 will be deprecated from the dedicated interface. Please use the PIS version 2.0, which has been available since 11.06.2021.
Old endpoint to be deprecated as of 15.06.2022:*
10.02.2022 |
New Functions |
New possibility for TTP to imposed web-based authentication
The new function allows TPP to force the PSU authentication flow with the usage of web-based authentication. More technical information about the solution is available here. If you want to see API specification please check our swagger definition.
12.01.2022 |
New Functions |
Structure to support batch booking transactions is now available in AIS |
The Account Information Services API now supports a substructure to show batch booked transactions. for more information see the AIS API specification - especially look for the optional parameters named batchIndicator, batchNumberofTransactions and entryDetails. The parameters are part of the /accounts/{account-id}/transactions and /accounts/{account-id}/transactions/{id} endpoints |
12.01.2022 |
Minor changes |
Optimized flow for handling PSU authentications with MitID |
The flow for handling PSU authentications with MitID has been optimized to decrease the number of interactions the PSU has to perform to do payment authentications. |
08.11.2021 |
Breaking change |
Salling Bank A/S is merging into Sparekassen Danmark |
As of 08.11.2021 Salling Bank is merging into Sparekassen Danmark. Please reach out to Sparekassen Danmark to sign up for their PSD2 API. Customers are automatically moved to Sparekassen Danmark. Consents on the existing platform will expire and the PSU will need to give consent to AIS on the Sparekassen Danmark platform. |
31.10.2021 |
Breaking change |
BIL Danmark, filial af Banque Int. à Luxembourg SA is merging into Ringkjøbing Landbobank |
As of 31.10.2021 BIL Danmark, filial af Banque Int. à Luxembourg SA is merging into Ringkjøbing Landbobank. Please reach out to Ringkjøbing Landbobank to sign up for their PSD2 API. Customers are manually moved to Ringkjøbing Landbobank. Consents on the existing platform will expire and the PSU will need to give consent to AIS on the Ringkjøbing Landbobank platform. |
10.10.2021 |
Breaking change |
Den Jyske Sparekasse is merging into Vestjysk Bank |
As of 10.10.2021 Den Jyske Sparekasse is merging into Vestjysk Bank. Please use the url to connect to the account in Vestjysk Bank. Customers are automatically moved to Vestjysk Bank. Consents on the existing platform will expire and the PSU will need to give consent to AIS in Vestjysk Bank. |
06.10.2021 |
New Functions |
Introduction of new MitID SCA solution concurrently with the existing NemID SCA solution |
New MitID SCA solution is generally introduced in Denmark. If the PSU has chosen to onboard to the MitID solution, the SCA solution for PSD2 API solution will also use the MitID as SCA flow. The existing NemID SCA solution will continue until all bank customers have converted to the MitID solution medio 2022. There are no breaking changes in the way the SCA redirect links are working. |
28.09.2021 | Breaking Change |
BBAN changes on AIS | Following data related changes in the existing PSD2 Account Information Services API (AIS):
15.07.2021 |
New Functions |
Transaction balance now available on AIS |
Transaction balance is now exposed in the Account Information Services API as a non breaking change. The transaction balance is of the type called closing booked. |
08.12.2021 |
New Functions |
Introduction of the psuMessage parameter in PIS |
Potential error messages related to the payment initiation and PSU authentication will be provided in the psuMessage field is supported in version 2.0 of the PIS API and onwards. Please make sure to implement this psuMessage field in your integration to enhance your solution with a much better error handling. |
11.06.2021 |
New Functions |
Increased input parameters on PIS of various payment types |
New version of PIS (2.0) increases the number of input parameters on PIS of various payment types. It is now possible to add, address, text to own account, text to recipient and creditor reference and other relevant fields on the various payment types. Please see the API specification for more information. To use the new version of the PIS please switch from 1.0 to 2.0 - see how to in the example below: |
12.02.2021 |
New Functions |
Future dated payments available in AIS using the bookingStatus pending |
Future dated payments are now available in the Account Information Services API using the bookingStatus "pending" or "both". The bookingStatus "booked" is still available as before. Please see more info in the API specification for AIS: /accounts/{account-id}/transactions. |
11.02.2021 |
New Functions |
Bulk Payments functionality available in PIS |
With the new functionality TPPs are able to initiate bulk payments and PSUs to authorize the payments using the Payment Initiation Services API (PIS). The bulk payment functionality initializes a collection of several payment initiation requests from the same debtor account. It is only possible to add same payment type to a bulk payment. Batch booking functionality is also made available in bulk payment by using the batchBookingPreferred parameter. Batch booking is only supported for the payment types "domestic credit transfers" and "payment slips (01, 04, 15, 71, 73, 75)". The bulk payment functionality is only available for business customers. |
26.01.2021 |
New Functions |
Possibility to initiate payments without debtor account |
This release adds the functionality of initiating payment withoit a debtor account, The debtor account is then supplied by PSU during SCA flow. |